
It’s now been a few years since we launched with our focus on new, independent and upcoming musicians and we’ve enjoyed every minute. The last twelve months have been a bit of a challenge on a more personal front which has meant that the site and our socials have taken a back seat. However – we are still here and starting to put together some plans for the future with the hope of relaunching the site in the coming months.

We’re passionate about music and we want to be THE site that people go to if they want to expand their musical tastes – we want to showcase the best new artists, the best independent bands and singers and we want to be a springboard for those who want their music to become their career.

The music industry is harder than ever for musicians to find their following and we want to be part of a change that puts new musicians in a position of power; removing their need for them to sign away their creative rights to their music to “labels” and putting them in the best place to make them benefit the most from their own work.

We can only do that if we have more voices on the site to allow us to bring you a wider breadth of musicians and artists as part of our coverage – if you fancy giving the bands you’re most passionate about the coverage they deserve then come and write for us. We also need more people to know about TuneFountain that visit the site and share our content – if you’ve ever liked something we’ve written please take the time to share it with a few of your friends. If you follow out socials please share them and our posts to help widen our net of coverage.

By Colin