Picking the best single of the year was a challenge but picking best album of 2022 from all of the stunning releases that have seen the light over the last twelve months was even harder. That said, for us there was one clear winner – an artist we only discovered a couple of months ago, but who has seen every single track of their debut EP make it in to our most played tracks of all time.
However, despite that there was real competition and narrowing down to just five releases was nigh-on-impossible. We tried all sorts of ways of bringing down our list but never quite felt happy that we’d included all of the albums and EPs we wanted to so even though we only have five here, there are so many others we could have chosen.
We’ve picked five albums, four are listed as nominations below and then there’s the winner. We can guarantee, if you listen to ANY of these albums and EPs today it WILL make your day better…

The Anchoress The Art Of Losing Expanded Edition
We might be be cheating with this one seeing as The Anchoress released The Art of Losing in 2021, but this expanded edition packed with alternative versions of all of the stunning tracks deserves a place in our 2022 list too. It’s stunning both in terms of Catherine Anne Davies perfectly realised compositions and the fact that with so many tracks it could quite possibly be the BARGAIN of the year too!

Rae Morris – Rachel@Fairyland / Rachel@Pianoland
Two albums – is that fair? Maybe, maybe not – but the fact is Rae Morris‘ 2022 release of Rachel@Fairlyland is somehow better than her transformative ‘Someone Out There’ album that has been a must listen for us since it was release. Then she goes and gives us a second helping by way of the gorgeous Rachel@Pianoland which takes the already gorgeous collection and gives it a brand new piano-led shine.

Hohnen Ford – Infinity EP
At times Infinity feels almost like a collection of adult lullabies – soothing and warming in equal measure. You could easily find yourself drifting off into the deepest and most wonderful of daydreams while listening and when final track, the stunningly affecting ‘Don’t Fall Asleep’ ends you feel both satisfied in a way I’ve not experienced in a long time while simultaneously wish that it hadn’t ended and that you could stay within Hohnen Ford‘s magical world for much, much longer.

Holly Rolfe – Lost In The Dark EP
We defy anyone to listen to Holly Rolfe‘s debut EP, Lost in the Dark, and not fall in love with her voice and the playful lyrics it serves up. The title track is utterly mesmerising and the perfect showcase for the up and coming singer-songwriter’s talents. The gentle piano backing and her angelic vocals combine to create something that evokes real, raw emotion. Beautiful.

MOA – Beat EP
This is easily our favourite release of the year. While ‘Ghost’ made our Single of the Year shortlist, the full EP on which it features adds up to a release to judge all others of the year by. Four tracks, each easily as good as the rest yet all offering something unique, MOA’s brand of pop is like nothing else we’ve heard and the Beat EP deserves to be in everyone’s collection. The only thing that we’re sad about – we can’t get a physical copy, and this is one collection that deserves to be seen as well as heard.
MOA – you’re our fave of 2022!